Medford Airport Proposes Restriction on Hangar Contents

You’ve probably read about this recently in AOPA, EAA or Aviation Week, and now it’s come to Medford.

The Medford Airport recently mailed letters to all tenants in the county-owned hangars.  In this letter, the county voiced their concern  for continued Airport funding if tenant hangar contents are out of compliance with regards to “non-aviation-related hangar contents”.

While the FAA is currently addressing their standards for “approved hangar contents”, a final ruling has not been made.

If you are concerned about this ruling and the impact it will have on your hangar, your community, and General Aviation, please consider writing your congressmen.

The Medford / Jackson County Airport Advisory Committee meets at noon the third Monday of each month, upstairs in the Medford Airport Terminal Building. There is a time for public comment at the beginning of each meeting. It is important for the Committee to hear how actual airport tenants feel about the proposed changes.  If they don’t hear directly from hangar tenants, it might be assumed there is no opposition. Not everyone on the commission is a pilot or has a vested interest in general aviation.

The Meeting Agenda should be posted on the website page listed above.

Contact the Advisory Committee

Bern Case – Airport Director – 541-776-7222

Rep. Walden : or DC office: 202-225-6730

Rep. DeFazio: or DC Office: 202-225-6416

Senator Merkley: or DC Office: 202-224-3753

Rep. Schrader:  or DC Office: 202-225-5711

Read more

AOPA Article-July 24, 2014

EAA Article – July 24, 2014

Aviation Week Article – July 22, 2014

FAA Proposed Ruling



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