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American Airways tri-motor in flight

American Airways tri-motor in flight

American Airways tri-motor in flight Photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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People near American Airways Tri-motor

People near American Airways Tri-motor

People near American Airways Tri-motor Photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Crew near Mercy Flights cub on ramp

Crew near Mercy Flights cub on ramp

Crew near Mercy Flights cub on the flight ramp. Photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Lady near Mercy Flight plane

Lady near Mercy Flight plane

Lady near Mercy Flight plane photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Loading a Mercy Flights patient

Loading a Mercy Flights patient

Loading a Mercy Flights patient into the air ambulance photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights headquarters

Mercy Flights headquarters

Mercy Flights headquarters photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Man near nose of Mercy Flights airplane

Man near nose of Mercy Flights airplane

Man near nose of Mercy Flights airplane photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Man with Mercy Flights airplane

Man with Mercy Flights airplane

Man with Mercy Flights airplane photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Medford airport flightline

Medford airport flightline

Medford airport flightline photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights Beech-18 and Mt. Pitt

Mercy Flights Beech-18 and Mt. Pitt

Mercy Flights Beech-18 and Mt. Pitt photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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