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Mercy Flights aircraft on the flightline at Medford, Oregon

Mercy Flights aircraft on the flightline at Medford, Oregon

Mercy Flights aircraft on the flightline at Medford, Oregon photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights patient transfer

Mercy Flights patient transfer

Mercy Flights patient transfer photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Air Ambulance Patient

moving air ambulance patient

Moving a Mercy Flights air ambulance patient.  Beech-18 in the background. photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Girl and Mercy Flights patient

Girl and Mercy Flights patient

Young girl with a Mercy Flights Air Ambulance patient. photo by Kenn Knackstedt.

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Unidentified Man

Unidentified Man

Unidentified Man photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights Beech-18 Air Ambulance

Mercy Flights Beech-18 Air Ambulance

Mercy Flights Beech-18 Air Ambulance. photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights open hangar

Mercy Flights open hangar

The open-sided hangar for Mercy Flights aircraft. photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Medford Aviator Meet 1910

Medford airport 1909 barnstorming

First Aviator Meet in Southern Oregon.   Jine 4-5yj, 1910   Medford-airport-1910

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8-18-35 31st Bomber squad Martin B-10 Medford

8-18-35 31st Bomber squad Martin B-10 Medford

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Injured Smokejumper in Ashland, OR

072365 injured smokejumper in Ashland, OR

072365 injured smokejumper in Ashland, OR   photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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