Author's posts

Daring Damsels poster

Daring Damsels poster Featuring Bill Warren, Connie Warren, and Cathi Reavis

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Great American Flying Circus logo

Great American Flying Circus logo

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Great American Flying Circus Stearman

Stu MacPherson of the Great American Flying Circus and his Travel Air

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Taylorcraft flight of 4

Taylorcraft flight of 4 Gene Warner, Brent Conner & Stefanie Conner Huber, Bill Warren in Simply Magic, and Lyn Cate

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Harry Eyerly and his Pitts

Harry Eyerly and his Pitts

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Filming Bill Warren in his Chipmunk

Filming Bill Warren in his Great American Flying Circus Chipmunk

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Bill Warren packing his parachute

Bill Warren packing his parachute May 23, 1963

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Great American Flying Circus booklet

Great American Flying Circus booklet

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Signing the EAA Charter

Bob Lowe, Bill Warren, and Ray Bruton signing the charter for EAA chapter 319 on December 1, 1968. Photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Bill Warren and his Piper Cub

Bill Warren and his Piper Cub photo by Kenn Knackstedt, 6/29/69

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