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Mercy Flights Beech 18 in flight

Mercy Flights Beech 18 in flight

Mercy Flights Beech 18 in flight photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Medford airport from above

Medford airport from above

Medford airport from above. photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Two men in front of Mercy Flights airplane.

Two men in front of Mercy Flights airplane.  Who are these guys? photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Kenn Knackstedt with cameras

Kenn Knackstedt with cameras

Kenn Knackstedt with cameras photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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7-23-65 #2 skydiver ashland. or

7-23-65 #2 skydiver ashland. or

7-23-65 #2 skydiver ashland. or photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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7-23-65 #3 skydiver ashland. or

7-23-65 #3 skydiver ashland. or

7-23-65 #3 skydiver ashland. or photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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7-23-65 #4- skydiver ashland. oregon

7-23-65 #4- skydiver ashland. oregon

7-23-65 #4- skydiver ashland. oregon photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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7-23-65 #5 Skydiver accident near Ashland Oregon airport

7-23-65 #5 Skydiver accident near Ashland Oregon airport

7-23-65 #5 Skydiver accident near Ashland Oregon airport. Was this smokejumper training? photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Skydiver Ashland Oregon

7-23-65-6 skydiver ashland oregon

7-23-65 #6 skydiver near the Ashland Oregon airport.  Possibly smoke jumper training? photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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Mercy Flights cub

Mercy Flights cub

Mercy Flights cub photo by Kenn Knackstedt

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