Tag: aviator

Making of ‘Magic Sky’

Gliders at Beagle airstrip

During the making of ‘Magic Sky’ at the Beagle airstrip in Southern Oregon.   Chipmonk flown by Bill Warren

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/making-of-magic-sky/

Glide, OR Fly-in

Glide, OR Fly-in with Steve Wolff and ACE

Here is a photo of Sky Billy at a fly in in Glide Oregon with his friend, and airshow buddy Steve Wolf, and his friend he called “ACE” (Donna Dal Porto) credit: John Asbury

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/glide-or-fly-in/

Bill Warren’s cub landing on a car

Bill Warren’s cartop landing with his Piper cub

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/bill-warrens-cub-landing-on-a-car/

Sky Billy and Simply Magic outside Medford Air Service

Sky Billy and Simply Magic outside Medford Air Service

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/sky-billy-and-simply-magic-outside-medford-air-service/

Bill Warren flying his Chipmunk with smoke

Bill Warren flying his Chipmunk with smoke for the Great American Flying Circus

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/bill-warren-flying-his-chipmonk-with-smoke/

Bill Warren – wing repair

Bill Warren repairing a wing in Butch Milani’s hangar

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/bill-warren-wing-repair/

Bill Warren and his GAFC Chipmunk

Bill Warren and his Great American Flying Circus Chipmunk

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/bill-warren-and-his-gafc-chipmonk/

Great American Flying Circus Stearman

Stu MacPherson of the Great American Flying Circus and his Travel Air

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/great-american-flying-circus-stearman/

Harry Eyerly and his Pitts

Harry Eyerly and his Pitts

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/harry-eyerly-and-his-pitts/

Filming Bill Warren in his Chipmunk

Filming Bill Warren in his Great American Flying Circus Chipmunk

Permanent link to this article: https://skybilly.com/filming-bill-warren-in-his-chipmonk/